European Parliament ‘State of the SMEs Union’ debate: strong messages that must prompt tangible progress
EUROCHAMBRES President Christoph Leitl called on the EU institutions to use this evening’s European Parliament ‘State of the SMEs Union’ plenary debate as a foundation for SME-friendly policies throughout the rest of the 2019-24 legislative term. He underlined that this new annual debate must have a tangible impact on the way in which the Parliament, Commission and Council work 365 days a year if it is to prove of added value.
President Leitl commented: “This evening’s debate was encouraging, and the SME-friendly narrative is certainly something that chambers fully endorse, but now these words need to be backed up with deeds across the institutions and member states.”
As the economy slowly emerges from a devastating crisis, Chambers continue to emphasise the need for EU policies that enable SMEs to recover and contribute to ambitious objectives for the twin green and digital transition.
Among many significant new dossiers in the pipeline, the forthcoming directive on corporate governance and due diligence in supply chains is seen by Chambers as a litmus test of the EU institutions’ recognition of the socio-economic importance of SMEs and of their commitment to the ‘think small first’ principle.
President Leitl added: “SMEs must be considered by legislators as part of the solution, not part of the problem. Chambers want to work with the EU institutions on policies that enable the tens of millions of SMEs across Europe to thrive and create opportunities, jobs and prosperity.”