AL-INVEST Verde Information session
We would like to invite you to the information session on the programme and its first call for proposals. The session is addressed to associations, chambers of commerce and other institutions representing the private sector. During the virtual event, an overview of the programme as well as full information on the first call will be presented.
AL-INVEST Verde is a four-year programme, funded by the European Union, that supports initiatives to enable micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Latin America to implement more efficient and less polluting processes, while more sustainable consumption patterns are adopted by countries. One of the main components of the programme is the implementation of innovative projects that promote sustainable growth in the region and arise from partnerships between Latin American and European organisations. These projects will be selected competitively, through calls for proposals. The terms and conditions of the first call for proposals are already available here.
AL-INVEST Verde Info Session
When: 5 May 2022
Where: Zoom platform
Time: 10:00 CET
Register here.