
Consumer Law Ready: Linking the Network


Eurochambres, in collaboration with SMEunited, BEUC and the European Commission, will organise the Consumer Law Ready conference on the results of the project and the future development of Consumer Law in Europe. The event will underline the considerable value of the project in enabling small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to acquire necessary knowledge and skills regarding consumer law.

The conference will have guest speakers from the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN). Participants will have the chance to attend a panel discussion which will address the approaches to the EU directives transposition within the Member States. Each section will be closed with a Q&A session which will allow participants to share their thoughts and exchange with the speakers.

Consumer Law Ready project started back in 2016, and aims to increase awareness among SMEs on European and national consumer legislation. Consumer Law Ready is an EU-wide consumer law training programme for SMEs. Specialist training provides SMEs with the necessary know-how to deal with customer complaints, avoid costly litigation and improve overall customer service.

Register here for the Consumer Law Ready Conference.

7 November 2022 - 10:00 AM - Online on Zoom