Eurochambres survey launch event: Is the single market fit for business?
73% of European businesses believe that the single market has not reached its full potential[1]. This raises several questions:
- What are the main obstacles faced by companies of different sectors and sizes when trading across borders in the single market?
- What are the main solutions indicated by European businesses to encourage more single market integration?
- What do companies do when they are confronted with an infringement of their single market rights?
- How can the EU lead the digital and sustainable transformation without jeopardising its competitiveness and economic growth?
More than 1000 businesses from across Europe responded to our survey and provided answers to these key questions. This event will allow policymakers and stakeholders to explore the results of the survey in a compelling report and reflect on the path towards more integration ahead of the 2024 European elections and the next five-year EU term.
[1] 2023 European Parliament of Enterprises
Date: 11 January 2024, 16:00 - 17:30, followed by a cocktail reception
Location: Vlaams Netwerk van Ondernemingen (VOKA) premises - Rue Royale 154-158, 1000 Bruxelles
Registration link: