
Omnibus Package: the start of a simplification revolution?


Eurochambres and SME Europe will promote the event "Omnibus Package: The Start of a Simplification Revolution?" on 4 February from 08:00 to 09:30. The event will be hosted by MEP Jörgen Warborn and will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The previous European Commission committed to reduce reporting requirements by 25%. The new Commission is due to adopt an Omnibus Simplification Package in the coming weeks. ‘Better regulation’ has been a priority for the EU institutions for many years, yet businesses – particularly SMEs – increasingly highlight the detrimental impact of regulatory reporting and compliance burdens. This is not just harmful to individual businesses’ performance, but to Europe’s overall competitiveness. The European Council’s Budapest Declaration from November 2024 called for a ‘simplification revolution’ as one of the main drivers of stronger EU competitiveness.

This event will consider how to ensure that the new EU term can achieve substantive results that will tangibly reduce the regulatory burden on Europe’s business community. The Green Deal – the most prominent and significant legislative package of the 2019-2024 Commission – will be discussed as a case study on both the scale of the challenge and the ways in which it can be addressed.

The breakfast event will bring together policymakers, business representatives and other stakeholders to:
• Highlight the challenges businesses face with compliance reporting obligations under the European Green Deal.
• Discuss practical solutions and policy measures to streamline requirements.
• Shape a wishlist for the Omnibus Simplification Package to ease the regulatory burden.


Registrations are open here until by 24 January


Moderator: Horst Heitz, Executive Director of SME Europe


  • Jörgen Warborn, Member of the European Parliament


  • Michael Saxl, Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Economic Chamber of Austria
  • Antonija Božič Cerar, Eurochambres Sustainability Committee Chair and Head of Department for Environment, Climate and Energy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
  • Michael Wimmer, Director of Strategy, Better Regulation & Corporate Governance, Secretariat-General, European Commission