The Croatian Chamber of Economy launches new website to attract investors
The Croatian Chamber of Economy (CCE) has launched a website to reach and access new investors. The site provides information on how to invest in Croatia and how to start up a business, taking into account the legislative framework and regulations governing investments, the costs of doing business, existing tax systems, economic indicators, available investment opportunities (online Investment Projects Catalogue) and other general and relevant information required to starting a business in Croatia.
The Investment Project Catalogue is the most important feature of the website and is the most extensive database of investment projects originating through the network of the county chambers and providing information on 70 private and public projects partially or fully funded for investment. With an estimated total value of projects worth more than 2.7 billion euros, located in 21 counties across Croatia in the fields of tourism, infrastructure, energy, industry, environmental protection, construction, agriculture, potential investors can search and select projects according to location/county. All members of the CCE are welcome to promote their investment projects via the Investment Project Catalogue if the projects meet prescribed criteria.
Each year, the average number of pages viewed is 40,000 from 119 countries all over the world. The CCE updates the Catalogue and collects new projects of its members on a regular basis.
CCE Assistance
- Facilitating communication with the institutions on a national and local level
- Support to the investors in dealing with administrative procedures on all levels
- Providing suppliers’ database and facilitating contact with potential business partners
- Organising individual, tailor-made visits of potential investors to Croatia
- Assistance provided on all levels through a network of 20 County Chambers in Croatia and representative offices abroad.
The Croatian Chamber of Economy is an independent professional and business organisation of all legal entities engaging in business. Functionally, the CCE consists of 7 sectors/ centres dealing with the respective branch of the economy and more than 60 professional associations, 70 groups and 40 affiliations.