
Position Eurochambres position on the EU Talent Pool

Eurochambres position on the EU Talent Pool

Eurochambres welcomes the EU Talent Pool and its emphasis on facilitating international recruitment, particularly in light of significant and enduring skills and labour shortages across Europe. Recogn...
19/03/2023 Read more
Position Eurochambres statement on the EU long-term Competitiveness Strategy

Eurochambres statement on the EU long-term Competitiveness Strategy

Restoring the long-term competitiveness of economic activity within the EU is vital, and success will depend on striking the right balance between short term and long-term EU challenges. Europe is...
13/03/2023 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the European Commission’s proposal for an  Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive (AILD)

Eurochambres position on the European Commission’s proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive (AILD)

Eurochambres welcomes the European Commission´s endeavour to introduce a degree of harmonisation in non-contractual liability rules to artificial intelligence (AI). We call for balanced and clear lia...
02/03/2023 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the Green Deal Industrial Plan: putting Europe’s net-zero industry in the lead

Eurochambres position on the Green Deal Industrial Plan: putting Europe’s net-zero industry in the lead

Eurochambres acknowledges the urgent need to adapt the EU Industry Strategy. The communication by the European Commission on the Green Deal Industry Plan was timely and necessary. Strengthening our ow...
08/02/2023 Read more
Position Joint Business Statement on the due diligence proposal

Joint Business Statement on the due diligence proposal

The European business community supports an EU due diligence framework. However, it calls for realism, proportionality, and workability for this framework to truly enable and guide businesses in takin...
19/01/2023 Read more
Position Joint industry statement on the Data Act:  Safeguards necessary to ensure Chapter V preserves data holders’ fundamental rights

Joint industry statement on the Data Act: Safeguards necessary to ensure Chapter V preserves data holders’ fundamental rights

As representatives of European businesses, the signatories of this joint statement want to express their deep concerns about Chapter V of the EU Data Act on how to organise mandatory Business-to-Gover...
19/01/2023 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the European Commission proposal to revise the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)

Eurochambres position on the European Commission proposal to revise the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)

As the network of European chambers of commerce and industry, we acknowledge that the revision of specific aspects of the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD) is necessary to reflect the technological deve...
09/01/2023 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI)

Eurochambres position on the Single Market Emergency Instrument (SMEI)

The Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine constituted the most recent challenges to Europe’s economy and continue to undermine the functioning of the Single Market and its recovery e...
05/01/2023 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and the Council on the European Year of Skills

Eurochambres position on the proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and the Council on the European Year of Skills

The 2023 European Year of Skills is an excellent opportunity to work with EU level instruments to respond to labour market needs, such as mobility schemes, upgrading Vocational Educational Training (V...
14/12/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the EC proposal for a regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market

Eurochambres position on the EC proposal for a regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market

The European chamber network is committed to sustainable and responsible economic activity, that fully respects human rights, including the prohibition of forced labour. In this sense we welcome the C...
09/12/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the European Commission’s proposal for a Data Act

Eurochambres position on the European Commission’s proposal for a Data Act

Eurochambres welcomes the objectives of the European Commission to foster access to data and to encourage its further use for different purposes. For these endeavours to succeed, businesses require a...
18/11/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres contribution to European Commission’s call for evidence on the review of the de minimis regulation

Eurochambres contribution to European Commission’s call for evidence on the review of the de minimis regulation

General comments - given the importance of SMEs for Europe’s economic growth, job creation, competitiveness, and innovation, it is crucial to alleviate their financing conditions by allowing them to...
25/07/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Eurochambres position on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Eurochambres supports the introduction of an eco-design instrument that considers all aspects of the life cycle of a product, while respecting the principle of proportionality. However, the new perfor...
13/07/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres letter on the upcoming vote on the complementary act on the role of nuclear energy and natural gas within the taxonomy of sustainable finance

Eurochambres letter on the upcoming vote on the complementary act on the role of nuclear energy and natural gas within the taxonomy of sustainable finance

Eurochambres letter to the political groups in the European Parliament regarding the vote on the complementary act on the role of nuclear energy and natural gas within the taxonomy of sustainable fina...
29/06/2022 Read more
Position Joint statement: Businesses call for fresh political engagement to renew economic integration in the Single Market

Joint statement: Businesses call for fresh political engagement to renew economic integration in the Single Market

Joint statement by Eurochambres, BusinessEurope, DIGITALEUROPE, ERT and EuroCommerce....
27/06/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres letter on the G7 Leadership for a global sustainable and resilient recovery

Eurochambres letter on the G7 Leadership for a global sustainable and resilient recovery

Eurochambres letter to the Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Government of Germany, Robert Habeck....
23/06/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the Proposal for Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Eurochambres position on the Proposal for Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

Eurochambres reiterates that sustainability is at the heart of businesses activities and is key to ensuring long-term economic growth. European businesses are ready to commit to an even stronger respo...
01/06/2022 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the REPowerEU package

Eurochambres position on the REPowerEU package

Extremely high energy prices and the uncertain supply situation exacerbated by the Russian invasion of Ukraine place an extremely heavy burden on European businesses. Eurochambres understands the cons...
20/05/2022 Read more
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