Eurochambres Economic Survey 2023 (EES2023) – Report
The Eurochambres Economic Survey 2023 is unique at European level in being based on responses to a common survey from over 42.000 European companies on their expectations for next year. Over the years, the EES has cemented its importance for European policymakers for its capacity to accurately reflect businesses’ mood and shed light on the challenges for our entrepreneurs.
The survey at the basis of the report was structured according to a set of six questions in the form of multiple choices. Questions 1 to 5 relate to key business indicators (domestic sales, exports, employment, investments and business confidence level). Respondents were asked to indicate if an “Increase”, “Decrease” or “Constant” level is expected for next year with respect to the five indicators. Question 6 addresses the main challenges for companies next year with respondents asked to provide a maximum of three answers among the seven options, which reflect the current economic and political framework for businesses.
Good policy-making strongly depends on evidence-based input from stakeholders, not least businesses. It is with this aim that Eurochambres considers the EES2023 an important source of information for European and national policymakers for the substantiation and calibration of their decisions and actions.