Scenarios towards co-creation of transition pathway for tourism for a more resilient, innovative and sustainable ecosystem
EUROCHAMBRES call for a realistic and progressive approach in the incorporation of new obligations and commitments towards the achievement of the twin transitions that take into consideration and don’t exceed, the level of the economic recovery of the different agents operating in the touristic ecosystem.
The update of the EU Industrial Strategy highlights the need to accelerate the green and digital transitions of EU Industry. Priority should be given also to sectors heavily affected by the crisis, which benefit from accelerating their twin transition in order to boost their recovery. Tourism has been recognised to be one of these critical ecosystems and therefore, it will be tackled first, by co-creating its transition pathway together with its stakeholders. The Staff Working Document already outlines the most relevant issues afflicting the touristic ecosystem and the potential stakeholder's duties to amend those. Yet, asking a battered tourism business sector to adapt to an increasing number of regulations aimed at improving energy efficiency or water consumption at a time where most of them are struggling to stay afloat, especially SMEs, could be an unwise approach.