
European chambers delivering on the UN goals: showcase & policy discussion


The COP27 meeting this year will be pivotal. The world is getting ready to finalize and implement the Paris Agreement. This will result in much stronger collaboration with and inclusion of the private sector. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can serve as a basic universal framework for businesses to align their operations. Bringing the SDGs and their significance closer to businesses, as well as demonstrating methods of supporting their implementation, is therefore crucial.

This webinar will thus focus on showcase how European chambers support small and medium sized enterprises in the different fields of the UN SDGs and the European Green Deal. Some measures have as a basis the SDGs directly, others support these in an indirect way. Some best-practices with potential to replicate in other countries will be shown. The showcase will be followed by a discussion with policy makers, business representatives and SDG organisation(s) on how to bring SDGs closer to businesses and help spread their application even more, especially by showing the advantages it brings to businesses.

Key Takeaway, Policy Recommendation, and/or Unique Value Add:

The audience gets to know best-practices of supportive instruments for businesses and measures connected to the achievement of the SDGs. These can have positive knock-on effects in terms of possible replication in other countries and possibly also by other players. During the discussion we want to elaborate further on those support measures, what hinders businesses from integrating the SDGs in their business conduct and what businesses need in order to deliver on the UN SDGs and on the EU Green Deal? How can the SDGs be brought closer to businesses? How can businesses be made even more aware of the advantages of using the SDGs as basis? How to take especially SMEs on board of this movement?

When: 10 November 2022 - 9:30-10:30 CEST - Online

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