
Reviving Europe online events series | 12 – 14 October 2021


Towards a competitive, sustainable and digital economy

The COVID19 crisis has reinforced the value of a collective European approach to key issues. As such, the Conference on the Future of Europe comes at an important juncture as we manage the legacy of the pandemic and pursue a swift and sustainable revival.

Chambers of Commerce & Industry have been closer than ever to their members since the crisis began and recognise their role in helping businesses to recover from the dramatic economic slowdown.

The EUROCHAMBRES Reviving Europe online series will enable an exchange of views and opinions on some of the key policy levers at the EU’s disposal to drive the economic recovery and, in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe, provide concrete ideas about the type of Europe that businesses want.

Europe needs a new spirit and a new enthusiasm. The future of the EU project is of paramount importance to the Chamber network and the 20 million businesses that it represents. For this reason, the Conference on the Future of Europe is an encouraging initiative which offers European citizens a unique and timely opportunity to debate on Europe’s challenges and priorities.

#RevivingEurope #Chambers4EU #TheFutureIsYours