
Press Release Luc Frieden elected as next President of EUROCHAMBRES

Luc Frieden elected as next President of EUROCHAMBRES

Mr Luc Frieden was elected as President of EUROCHAMBRES for the 2022-2023 term during today’s General Assembly. Mr Frieden, President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, will take over the role o...
15/10/2021 Read more
Position Outcomes of Reviving Europe – online event series

Outcomes of Reviving Europe – online event series

The COVID19 crisis has reinforced the value of a collective European approach to key issues. As such, the Conference on the Future of Europe comes at an important juncture as we manage the legacy of t...
14/10/2021 Read more
Position Joint Statement European business community calls for the rapid ratification and entry into operation of the Unitary Patent System

Joint Statement European business community calls for the rapid ratification and entry into operation of the Unitary Patent System

EUROCHAMBRES, BUSINESSEUROPE, Orgalim and SMEunited represent innovative businesses across Europe. One of our core objectives is to support innovation and boost the competitiveness of European compan...
13/10/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres key messages for the 29 September 2021 Competitiveness Council meeting

Eurochambres key messages for the 29 September 2021 Competitiveness Council meeting

Ahead of the upcoming Competitiveness Council meeting that you will chair on 29 September, EUROCHAMBRES would like to provide comments on some of the key agenda highlights to be discussed from the per...
27/09/2021 Read more
Press Release EUROCHAMBRES and CCCM call for entry into force of the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement

EUROCHAMBRES and CCCM call for entry into force of the EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement

In a major effort to strengthen ties between the private sectors of Latin America and Europe, the members of the Council of Chambers of Commerce of Mercosur (CCCM) and EUROCHAMBRES met on September 22...
24/09/2021 Read more
Position Joint statement by the Council of Mercosur Chambers of Commerce and EUROCHAMBRES on the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union

Joint statement by the Council of Mercosur Chambers of Commerce and EUROCHAMBRES on the agreement between Mercosur and the European Union

The Council of Mercosur Chambers of Commerce (CMCC) and EUROCHAMBRES, both spaces that bring together trade and services business organizations from member and associate countries of the Southern Comm...
22/09/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the framework for a European Digital Identity

Eurochambres position on the framework for a European Digital Identity

EUROCHAMBRES welcomes the proposal for a framework for a European Digital Identity as an important step to secure digital identification. A trusted and secure electronic ID, based on commonly agreed s...
21/09/2021 Read more
Article Eurochambres takeaways from the updated EU Industrial Policy

Eurochambres takeaways from the updated EU Industrial Policy

The updated 2020 New Industrial Strategy: Building a stronger Single Market for Europe’s recovery”, seeks to “learn lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, strengthen the EU’s economic resilience an...
20/09/2021 Read more
Position Scenarios towards co-creation of transition pathway for tourism for a more resilient, innovative and sustainable ecosystem

Scenarios towards co-creation of transition pathway for tourism for a more resilient, innovative and sustainable ecosystem

EUROCHAMBRES call for a realistic and progressive approach in the incorporation of new obligations and commitments towards the achievement of the twin transitions that take into consideration and don...
16/09/2021 Read more
Press Release SOTEU 2021: a strong economy is crucial to meeting Europe’s challenges

SOTEU 2021: a strong economy is crucial to meeting Europe’s challenges

EUROCHAMBRES President, Christoph Leitl, welcomed the ambitious and committed tone of today’s State of the European Union speech, but called for a strong and continued focus on delivering the econom...
15/09/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on updated Industrial Strategy

Eurochambres position on updated Industrial Strategy

EUROCHAMBRES highlights the need for a realistic industrial strategy that reflects the post-COVID-19 era. The strategy should address the remaining Single Market barriers and ensure a strong horizonta...
15/09/2021 Read more
Position The European Chamber Network’s services to business

The European Chamber Network’s services to business

The annual State of the Union speech by the President of the European Commission is a moment to to take stock of the current situation and to consider future challenges and opportunities. As the short...
13/09/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres Input to the Data Act Consultation

Eurochambres Input to the Data Act Consultation

Eurochambres welcomes the plans for a Data Act as an important step to facilitate the establishment of a thriving data economy in Europe. European legislation should provide legal certainty for volunt...
07/09/2021 Read more
Position Corporate Sustainable Reporting: The business perspective

Corporate Sustainable Reporting: The business perspective

The European Commission earlier this year adopted its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), amending the existing reporting requirements from the Non-Financial Reporting...
06/09/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres input for public consultations on the micro-credentials framework and the initiative for individual learning accounts

Eurochambres input for public consultations on the micro-credentials framework and the initiative for individual learning accounts

Micro-credentials should adhere to four guiding principles that will ensure their usefulness to both businesses and learners while also contributing to labor market performance: - prioritization of...
23/07/2021 Read more
Position Eurochambres position on the proposal for a Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive

Eurochambres position on the proposal for a Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive

European SMEs need a regulatory framework that allows them to look at their business models and develop practical capacities to report sustainability, without jeopardising the access to supply chains...
22/07/2021 Read more
Press Release New survey reveals scale of digital transformation of businesses during pandemic

New survey reveals scale of digital transformation of businesses during pandemic

A joint European Committee of the Regions and EUROCHAMBRES survey reveals that around 75% of businesses took decisive steps to digitalise their activities during the pandemic. Published as part of a n...
20/07/2021 Read more
Press Release Fit-for-55 Package: a balanced approach crucial for businesses

Fit-for-55 Package: a balanced approach crucial for businesses

Reacting to the adoption today by the European Commission of its Fit-for-55 package, EUROCHAMBRES has highlighted the need to balance a regulatory approach with much needed incentives. The associati...
15/07/2021 Read more
Press Release Consumer Law Ready phase 2 concludes, with 18-month extension announced

Consumer Law Ready phase 2 concludes, with 18-month extension announced

EUROCHAMBRES, in collaboration with SMEunited, BEUC and the European Commission, organized a conference on the results of the second phase of the Consumer Law Ready (CLR) project on 28 June. The event...
30/06/2021 Read more
Position EU Recovery and Resilience Facility

EU Recovery and Resilience Facility

EUROCHAMBRES asks for transparency in the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) process and a strengthened dialogue with national and regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the implementation...
29/06/2021 Read more
Position Statement of Eurochambres President Christoph Leitl prior to the 15 June EU-US Summit

Statement of Eurochambres President Christoph Leitl prior to the 15 June EU-US Summit

"We need a strong Transatlantic Alliance more than ever to affront common challenges and to succeed in our economic recovery. The EU-US Summit is therefore the right signal at the right time. As the b...
14/06/2021 Read more
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