Press Release

Energy prices: Chambers underline risk of deindustrialization in exchange with energy ministers in Brussels
Participating in today’s lunch debate with energy ministers, Eurochambres Deputy President, Vladimír Dlouhý, set out the importance of providing swift respite to European businesses struggling to...

Eurochambres position on the European Commission’s proposal for a Data Act
Eurochambres welcomes the objectives of the European Commission to foster access to data and to encourage its further use for different purposes. For these endeavours to succeed, businesses require a...
Press Release

EES2023 Press Release: Business confidence at historic low for 2023
Business confidence for next year is even lower than during the 2008-09 financial crisis and the height of the pandemic according to the 30th consecutive edition of the annual Eurochambres Economic Su...
Report/ Survey

Eurochambres Economic Survey 2023 (EES2023) – Report
The Eurochambres Economic Survey 2023 is unique at European level in being based on responses to a common survey from over 42.000 European companies on their expectations for next year. Over the years...

A snap analysis of the Commission’s 2023 Work Programme
On 18 October, the European Commission adopted its Work Programme for 2023, providing an outline of initiatives that we can expect to see over the course of the coming year and building on some of the...
Press Release

European chambers call for joint actions to help businesses cope with high energy prices
Prior to this week’s crunch EU Summit talks on the energy crisis, Eurochambres has reiterated the dramatic impact of high energy prices on European businesses. The European association of chambers o...

State of the Union Speech 2022
European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, delivered her annual State of the Union speech on 14 September to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Joined by the honorary guest, First Lady o...
Press Release

Access to financial resources and skills are critical to twin transition, according to new chamber survey
The findings of a new Eurochambres survey, based on responses from chambers of commerce and industry in 19 countries, emphasises the importance to businesses of securing adequate finances to invest an...
Report/ Survey

Eurochambres Twin Transition Survey
Recent economic shocks and the subsequent slowdown make investments more important than ever to improve resilience, guarantee stability, and accelerate the path towards sustainability. The European Un...
Press Release

Single Market Emergency Instrument: chambers ask for rebalancing of priorities and more legal certainty
While supporting the broad objectives of today’s European Commission proposal for a Regulation for a Single Market Emergency Instrument, Eurochambres warns against overshooting and thus call for gre...
Press Release

Chambers call for immediate measures to help businesses absorb spiralling energy prices
Leaders of Eurochambres, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce & Industry meeting in Prague today called for immediate measures to help businesses deal with spiralling electricity and g...

Eurochambres contribution to European Commission’s call for evidence on the review of the de minimis regulation
General comments - given the importance of SMEs for Europe’s economic growth, job creation, competitiveness, and innovation, it is crucial to alleviate their financing conditions by allowing them to...

Interview with Eurochambres International Trade Committee Chair, Ian Talbot
More than 30 million jobs in the European Union depend on external trade, and with close to 90% of global economic growth expected to be generated outside Europe in the coming years, access to the wor...

Eurochambres position on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation
Eurochambres supports the introduction of an eco-design instrument that considers all aspects of the life cycle of a product, while respecting the principle of proportionality. However, the new perfor...
Press Release
Press release of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce and Eurochambres
Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Switzerland (CCIS) with Eurochambres, the association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, in Zurich.
At a working meeting today, repres...

Interview with Eurochambres Economic Policy committee chair – Wolfgang Grenke
The Economic Policy Committee covers a wide range of dossiers, including access to finance, industrial policy, business taxations, among others. The main legislative dossier for the committee currentl...
Eurochambres letter on the upcoming vote on the complementary act on the role of nuclear energy and natural gas within the taxonomy of sustainable finance
Eurochambres letter to the political groups in the European Parliament regarding the vote on the complementary act on the role of nuclear energy and natural gas within the taxonomy of sustainable fina...

Joint statement: Businesses call for fresh political engagement to renew economic integration in the Single Market
Joint statement by Eurochambres, BusinessEurope, DIGITALEUROPE, ERT and EuroCommerce....
Eurochambres letter on the G7 Leadership for a global sustainable and resilient recovery
Eurochambres letter to the Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action of the Federal Government of Germany, Robert Habeck....

Interview with Eurochambres Single Market Committee Chair, Juho Romakkaniemi
In the interest of the companies the Chambers of Commerce represent, Eurochambres relentlessly advocates for better market access in general and in the European Union in particular. The Covid-19 crisi...