Press Release
Corporate Due Diligence European Parliament vote: Chambers call for simplicity and proportionality.
Corporate Due Diligence European Parliament vote: Chambers call for simplicity and proportionality.
Reacting to today’s European Parliament Legal Affairs Committee’s vote on Corporate Due Dilig...
Press Release
Global Chamber Platform highlights key recommendations for Italian B20
In line with key recommendations in its recently published global economic survey 2021, the Global Chamber Platform (GCP) issued its main recommendations to the Italian B20, for a swift, inclusive a...
Press Release
New Global Chamber Platform survey: business expects 2021 growth to exceed economic forecasts
The newly released Global Economic Survey 2021 signals strong optimism from the Global Chamber Platform (GCP) for a return of economic growth this year. While the World Bank expects a 4 % GDP growth r...
Press Release
EUROCHAMBRES welcomes Brexit trade deal
EUROCHAMBRES, representing over 20 million European businesses, has warmly welcomed news of a breakthrough in negotiations on an EU:UK trade deal, just a week before the transition period ends. The Eu...
Press Release
Digital Services Act: Chambers cautiously optimistic about new proposed e-commerce framework
EUROCHAMBRES has welcomed the balanced approach taken by the European Commission with today’s proposal for a Regulation on a Single Market for Digital Services, which takes a forward-looking approac...
Press Release
EUROCHAMBRES launches 10 key recommendations to successfully implement the European Green Deal
Building on the ambition demonstrated by the European Council last week to drive the sustainable transition of the economy, EUROCHAMBRES today presented 10 key recommendations to enable a successful i...
Press Release
EUROCHAMBRES calls on leaders to ‘mind the gap’ between crisis and recovery
In the run-up to crucial European Council and European Central Bank meetings on 10 December, EUROCHAMBRES has underlined the need to maintain measures in support of the many businesses throughout Euro...
Press Release
The Capital Markets Union is crucial for Europe’s recovery
EUROCHAMBRES, the association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry, takes note of the Council conclusions on the Capital Markets Union (CMU) Action Plan, as fully functioning capital markets...
Press Release
Council conclusions on Human Rights and Decent Work in Global Supply Chains: EUROCHAMBRES cautions against disproportionate burdens on SMEs
Reacting to the Council conclusions on Human Rights and Decent Work in Global Supply Chains published today, EUROCHAMBRES has underlined the importance of avoiding disproportionate requirements on SME...
Press Release
New Rules on Collective Redress welcome, but are a mixed bag
Today’s European Parliament vote on collective redress obliges all member states to introduce systems to remedy mass harm situations. While welcoming efforts to ensure effective redress possibilitie...
Press Release
The Global Chamber Platform urges the G20 to commit to swift joint action to mitigate economic fallout of COVID-19
The Global Chamber Platform has welcomed the pledge of G20 leaders to cooperate on global recovery action plans, but emphasizes the importance of effective and holistic policies and measures to delive...
Press Release
Unacceptable blocking of EU recovery package must be main issue for European Council tomorrow
EUROCHAMBRES, the European association of chambers of commerce & industry, has highlighted the extreme importance of tomorrow’s European Council video conference on the EU’s COVID-19 response....
Press Release
Implementation of EU Trade agreements must become top priority
EUROCHAMBRES strongly welcomes the publication of the 2020 annual Trade Implementation report by the European Commission. These reports are an essential tool to monitor the performance of our trade ag...
Press Release
European businesses forecast very challenging 2021 in major new survey
The 28th annual edition of the EUROCHAMBRES Economic Survey (EES2021) reveals the scale of the impact of COVID-19 on businesses across Europe, which predict a very difficult year ahead. The findings...