Eurochambres Competitiveness Compass: a route to a business-friendly Europe
Europe is suffering a second major economic shock in the brief span of only three years as a consequence of the ongoing war in Ukraine following on so soon after the depths of the Covid-19 pandemic. Businesses are and will be further impacted by a major rise in the prices of gas and oil, by general inflation and by supply chain disruption, all of which has a knock-on effect on investor confidence. Perennial skills challenges are also continuing and undermining businesses’ efforts to revive their activities and contribute to the twin digital and green transition.
The chamber network’s close connection with the grass roots economy gains greater importance during such difficult times and the services and support that they provide to the business community are of even more value. Just as national chambers are in contact with the government institutions at member state level to discuss challenges and identify solutions, Eurochambres liaises with the EU institutions to mitigate the negative impact of the difficult economic conditions and to strive for a business-friendly Europe.
On 27 October, chambers of commerce and industry, revolved around the Eurochambres Competitiveness Compass, which defines four cardinal points for policymakers to address to foster Europe’s competitiveness: markets, skills, resources and compliance. High-level institutional speakers and the European chamber leaders discussed and identified key policy measures on each point of the compass to consider for the remainder of the 2019-2024 EU term and beyond.
Access here the key takeaways of the Eurochambres Competitiveness Compass
Eurochambres Competitiveness Compass Flickr album