
Eurochambres Economic Forum 2019

07.10.2019 - 08.10.2019

The 3rd edition of the EUROCHAMBRES Economic Forum (EEF 2019) will be hosted by UNIONCAMERE, on 7-8 October and it will take place in Rome, Italy.

This event will  bring together 300 leaders of European national and local Chambers of Commerce & Industry and their experts to discuss how the changing political and economic landscape in Europe may affect the business community on the one hand, and practical and  concrete answers from Chambers and their members on the other.

EEF 2019 – narrative

The upcoming new EU legislative term will pave the way for the rapid transformation towards climate-neutral, circular and resource efficient industry. Global competitiveness will be relocated in a different plan where completion of the Single Market, removal of trade barriers and promotion of a fair global playing field for investment are consistent with the new reference framework and benefit from the opportunities created by this. Furthermore, social core EU’s values will continue to drive growth and industrial transformation.

The new European Parliament and European Commission must be empowered and committed over the next five years to deliver policies that are jobs, growth and entrepreneur friendly, ensuring coherence between fast and inclusive transformation, global competitiveness and social inclusiveness.

In this context, Chambers must be proactive in driving change and effective in responding to change.

We have to get engaged in key issues for entrepreneurs, such as the skills shortages, the challenges to the multilateral trade system, digitalisation, climate change and scarce natural resources, the completion of the single market among others.

The EEF 2019 will provide the opportunity to share ideas, best practices, concrete experiences and compare them so as to better respond to the common 21st century socio-economic trends and challenges that the network is facing.

This way, Chambers can develop inspired plans on how to make improvements, how to adapt others’ specific practices to their own needs with the aim of increasing their performance.

The information gathered during these sessions will not only be relevant for the Chambers on an immediate practical level, but it will also serve a longer-term purpose: understanding what the Chambers’ stance is towards the European Institutions, what are their needs and how can these needs be fulfilled by the EU.

This way, they can, together with EUROCHAMBRES, be empowered to advance their point of view and requests in front of the European Institutions. By taking initiative, the Chamber network can show itself as the main interlocutor representing entrepreneurs in front of the EU and have a stronger position in the dialogue with Institutions.

EEF 2019 - topics

During this two-day Forum, 2 rounds of 3 different parallel sessions will take place and attendees will be able to choose what are the 2 topics they are more interested for participation. This allows, in the first place, to have smaller groups of discussion and, in the second place, it gives more possibility of choice as each Chamber has its own priorities, challenges and strengths.

The topics of these sessions are:

  • Financing the sustainable transition for SMEs & how Chambers can get involved
  • Embracing digitalisation – Reinventing CCIs
  • Let’s close the skills gap!
  • Go international – business opportunities beyond the EU
  • Untapping Europe’s entrepreneurial potential
  • Business cross-borders – enforcing the Single Market